Happy Birthday to my Michael!
For Mike's 1st Birthday I decided to do an "interview" except he can't really talk so for this year I'll answer the questions for him! :)
Height: 31 Inches
Weight: 24.4 lbs
Nicknames: Monkey, Bug, booboo, Miker, Mike, Mikey
How old are you? 1 year old!
What makes you happy? Playing with my toys and running around!
Whats your favorite animal? We think a lion or a dog!
What's your favorite thing to eat? Strawberries, Watermelon, and Kix!
What's your favorite thing to do? Throw balls (or anything like a ball) and use any kind of stick as a sword or pointer! And Dance!!
What's your favorite TV show? Little Einsteins, just the firs 9 minutes :)
Whats your favorite book? Goodnight Moon and 100 words!
What are you really good at? Making people smile, throwing/kicking balls, and dancing!
What's your favorite color? We think Green!
What's your favorite toy? All of the toys I got for my Birthday, He rotates :)
Who is your best friend? Madison, Ryker and Carter!
What do you and mom do together? We play with toys and snuggle :)
What do you and Dad do together? We wrestle and run around like animals!
What is your favorite sport? Anything with a ball!
Where is your favorite place to go? The playroom and outside!
What do you want to be when you grow up? probably his daddy at this point :)
Goal for this year: Learn to run and talk more! :)
Chocolate pancakes for Breakfast on my birthday! I ate 4!! |
"I'm 1!" Playing my climber on my birthday! |
Cake face on my birthday party day! He didn't even use his hands at first, just stuffed his whole face in! |
Then he used his hands and was trying to shove as much in as possible! His 1st time ever eating cake! |
Racing his buddy Carter at his birthday party! |
Surfing on the scooter with his Grammy at his birthday party! |
Michael eating his cake! :)