I can't believe my little man is now 4 months old!
His 4 month appt is tuesday and I'll fill in his stats!
He weighs 14 lbs 14 oz (49%)
He is 26.5 inches long (92%)
and his head is 43 cm (68%)
I have one LONG skinny kid :)
I feel like Michael at 3 months was a completely different baby than Michael at 4 months!
Michael rolls like a pro now
tries REALLY hard to sit up
loves sitting in his bumbo at the kitchen table
reaches for all kinds of toys
puts EVERYTHING in his mouth
chews on everything
LOVES to be read too
LOVES bath time, although he's not quite splashing yet, just kicking
Laughs at everything, even Mom now :)
FOUND his feet!!
Smiles when he sees anyone, everyone says he is the happiest baby they have ever seen!
Still sleeps like a rock ;)
Has even gotten comments about how he looks like his dad!
pays so much attention to everyone and everything around him
Talks all of the time, especially to toys and people he knows
can lift his head so high off of the ground
watches everyone around him eat
tried a lemon for the first time
flew on a plane for the first time (across the country!)
makes lots of bubbles
and he loves to look and smile at himself in the mirror!
We are going to start rice cereal this evening, which will begin a whole new adventure!
We love our little man, monkey, bug and are so grateful to have him :)