Sunday, May 29, 2011

3 Weeks

Michael is 3 weeks and 4 days old today.

I feel like he has changed SO much in this short amount of time!

He is so much more awake and alert than he was in the beginning! He still sleeps quite a bit but he actually has alert periods now. It's so fun to watch his eyes get big when he sees things around the house! He is particularly interested in fans, mommy and daddy's faces, and sometimes Ruger, when he is close enough to see.

Michael is STRONG. I swear he almost rolls over sometimes. He's gotten on his side but then usually doesn't get any farther.

He is getting bigger!! After going down to 8 lbs 1 oz after birth he was up to 9 lbs 1 oz at his 2 week appointment last Monday. He was also 22 1/4 inches so he's grown almost an inch from his 21.5 inches at birth!

The reason he is getting bigger, he is a SUPER eater! (for the most part!) Michael LOVES to eat and eats a lot! He gets so anxious and excited once he is placed on the boppy (which I love, I can hardly nurse without it!) He is definitely a ravenous eater like the nurses told me he would be!

He is also SO loud!! When he is eating, he sounds like a little piggy, grunting and snorting. When he is sleeping he makes all sorts of noises...And he is still asleep! I will get up to look at him thinking he is fussing or hungry but nope! He is just talking in his sleep! Mommy and Daddy are having to learn to sleep through that. Soon Michael will go in his own room and that may make it easier for us to sleep. He is also loud when he is awake, he has become such a talker recently! We love to hear his talking and like to guess what he's saying :)

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