Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Budget Challenge

We are going ( I guess have been since I stopped working at the end of February) from two incomes to one. We used my income mostly for saving and playing so as not to become dependent upon it


I decided I can still do my part. :)

I'm going to challenge myself to spend $25 a week AT THE MOST on groceries.

Starting this week.

I looked at the ads for sales and to match some coupons. (There weren't really any coupons I wanted this week, so not a long list to shop for.) I made a list of the things we needed and might want and their prices and stores. I then went through and budgeted how much I would get of each item and made meal plans to correspond with some of the things I am getting and some things we already have.

I'm excited to start this grocery plan! It would be SO nice to be able to keep our grocery bill so low! Im going shopping Friday so I'll update then!


  1. I'm doing something similar - but with a month budget so that I can stock up if there's a good sale one week, and save money on other weeks. Good luck girl! :) Keep it up!

  2. That makes sense, Our overall is $100, but I know that I could go and spend that in one week so this is making me really ask myself is this a good deal? that I need? I have issues with that sometimes :)

  3. Good idea to learn that stuff now. Wait until you have a few boys in your house. Mine already devour food like locusts and they're only 7, 4, and 1.
